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Sunday, February 6, 2011

Winterstorm 2011. Texas style.

Hey guys. So, here's how it went down. Monday night my dad calls to tell me to get gas in my car before 'the storm' hits. Little did I know the rest of Abilene would be at the gas station with the same idea! So, it starts raining and then sleeting. What? Wasn't it just 75 when I went running about 3 hours ago?

This is what the view from my front porch looked like after about 30 minutes of snow! Our night turned into a slumber party quickly when we made the executive decision to have a snow day the next day (even if ACU didn't agree). We moved 3 of our queen sized beds into the living room and created our 'bach pad'. 8 girls + no school + snow = slumber party 2011.

We spent the next 4 days (yes, 4 snow days) waking up late, making a huge breakfast of pancakes, waffles, and cinni-minnis, eating, eating more, then cooking dinner. Luckily we had just been to the store, and so most of our meals were interesting combinations of what one finds in a college student's pantry. aka bagel bites, pasta, macaroni, and french green beans.

We did trek to my parents house a few times. I felt like I was back in Germany having to walk everywhere in the snow! Good thing my parents only live .3 miles away! I can now tell my grandchildren that I walked in snow to shower (due to our frozen pipes) and get butter (a necessity for all snow day foods).

Overall, it was fun to have an early spring break, but we I am ready to get back in the swing of things!
That's all for now. Enjoy this winter weather while you can, it will be 100 degrees before we know it!

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